Jeannette Tremblay Chambers

Jeannette Tremblay Chambers has over 15 years of experience as an arts leader, administrator, and educator, with a focus on building equity and access in the arts sector. She has served the Chicago arts community through Hyde Park Art Center for 12 years, first as an intern and teaching artist and working her way through the organization, most recently acting as Interim Executive Director. Chambers was recognized as a “national changemaker under 40” in 2019 through the American Express “NGen” Fellowship program. She is a co-founder of the White Advocates for Racial Equity Network at the National Guild for Community Arts Education, providing racial literacy and tactical training to a national network of educators, administrators, funders, and executives. She recently served on the Board of Directors at Enrich Chicago, a nonprofit consortium of arts organizations that affects structural, antiracist change across Chicago’s diverse arts ecosystem, as well as the Equity and Museum Practice Advisory Committee at the Art Institute of Chicago. Chambers holds an MA in Modern and Contemporary Art History, Theory, and Criticism from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; an MS Ed in Urban Special Education from Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY; and a BA in Fine Arts from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.

“Hyde Park Art Center has been a personal and professional home to me since moving to Chicago in 2009. It is with immense gratitude that I assume the role of co-Executive Director at the Art Center, where our community inspires and energizes my work every day. I hope to spark these feelings in all who encounter us—whether in our building, or our partner schools, or at the neighborhood farmers market or fair. I feel especially honored to co-lead and discover our next chapter as a Chicago institution alongside Aaron, who shares the Art Center’s collaborative and community-centered vision.”