Planned Giving

Join our Visionary Leader's Circle to create a profound legacy for Chicago's art and artists.

The Visionary Leaders’ Circle is Hyde Park Art Center’s legacy society. Members of the Visionary Leaders’ Circle have the foresight and generosity to support Chicago art and artists by making planned gift in the years to come to the Art Center.

By designating a planned gift (bequest, charitable trust, annuity, or other means) to Hyde Park Art Center, you establish a legacy that will continue to sustain and advance visual art in Chicago for years to come. The Visionary Leaders’ Circle allows the Art Center to recognize you now for ensuring the progress and long-term success of Hyde Park Art Center artists, educational programming, and partnerships with Chicago’s art community.

A bequest is an easy but important way for you to ensure that your assets are distributed the way you wish. You may designate Hyde Park Art Center as the recipient of a cash gift, a percentage, or residual remainder of your estate or living trust.

Hyde Park Art Center Sample Bequest Language:

I give, devise and bequeath ____(percentage or dollar amount) of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S. Cornell Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615 (FEIN 36-2887294) to be used for its general purposes (or specific purpose).*

Thank you for leaving a legacy with the Hyde Park Art Center!

*Example provided as a sample only. Please consult an attorney when updating your will with other legal documents.

If you have already made a planned gift benefiting the Art Center or would like to learn more about how you can join the Visionary Leaders’ Circle, please contact Individual Giving Manager, Maria Nelson, at 773-324-5520 x 1014 or