Heather Brammeier: Maybe Never

Maybe Never is a solo exhibition by sculptor, painter, and installation artist Heather Brammeier. Through a new site-responsive installation that connects contrasting colors with geometric forms, Brammeier’s work engages the viewers’ physical and perceptual boundaries. Asymmetrical stacking, attention to surfaces, and the use of light and shadow elicit contemplation on the difficulty of balancing hope with acceptance. This exhibition was selected by the Hyde Park Art Center’s Exhibition Committee from the Open Submission Program.

The exhibition is curated by Gervais Marsh, Curatorial Fellow, in collaboration with Heather Brammeier.

Image: Heather Brammeier, Untitled, 2021, wood and acrylic paint, dimensions variable

  • Cleve Carney Gallery and Gallery 2
  • August 1 – October 3, 2021

Heather Brammeier: Maybe Never

"Maybe Never" Exhibition Footage

Artist Talk

Izah Ransohoff's Performance Activation of "Maybe Never"

About Heather Brammeier

Heather Brammeier is a sculptor, painter and installation artist whose work engages the function of childhood play into adulthood. Brammeier creates visual puzzles that invite movement in and around the artwork, testing physical and perceptual boundaries, mirroring emotional and psychological limits. She has exhibited work at Pen and Brush gallery in New York, the South Bend Museum of Art and the Urban Institute for Contemporary Art in Michigan, among others. She has received numerous residencies, including Spiro Arts (UT), Yaddo (NY) and Pontlevoy Creative Residencies (France). 

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