Tanya Gill

Tanya Gill


Tanya Gill

I am a multidisciplinary artist whose work explores adaptation and mending through object making, painting, drawing, and fiber. A main catalyst in my work is my own health. I have a chronic blood condition which leaves me with a heightened sense of the precarious. I have, and will in the future, suddenly need to drastically change or abort plans due to my condition. This sense of living in precarity is by no means unique to me, it is a part of our collective story. We all experience traumatic events which change our course, demanding that we remake ourselves. I am interested in visualizing how the moment we are called to change feels, and what mending the pieces back together might look like.

Much of my work lives in relation to the domestic, a realm we all inhabit. I propose to mend a domestic object of the patrons with woven or darned thread. The object might be a worn linen, figurine, toy, tool, kitchen item or damaged paper/image. If the patron has no such objects in need of repair, but wants to participate, we will talk through types of possible objects. I will then present a few options for the project.

In all my work I strive to make a space in which we can feel and recognize parts of our collective story. A space where we catch glimpses of our ability to mend, adapt and absorb change.







For more information or to commission a unique work of art through Not Just Another Pretty Face, contact Marina Vulinovic at mvulinovic@hydeparkart.org or 773-324-5520 ext. 1006.