Lola Ayisha Ogbara

Lola Ayisha Ogbara


Lola Ayisha Ogbara

Situated at the intersections of Blackness, queerness, and womanhood is my inquisitive processing of the circumstances that come of these intersectional identities—whether occurring in the past, present, or future. I practice art visually and sonically through a commemorative and nostalgic lens using the body form, as well as, the absence of the body, to contemplate complexities of labor, desire and longing as an ongoing search for due process. Haptic remembering becomes a parasol for both a collective and individual recollection to unfold. The subjugation of identity, gender, race and sexuality is an entity I examine closely; alongside, tensions of hyper-visibility/invisibility. Ceramic/metal sculpture, photography, and sound, in the form of installations, allow me to confront implications of racialized voyeurism. Through material usage and composition, I emphasize on the nexus between Western colonization and how intersectional identities come to understand themselves in order to further progress a future that narrates its own history.





$850 - $15,000

For more information or to commission a unique work of art through Not Just Another Pretty Face, contact Marina Vulinovic at or 773-324-5520 ext. 1006.