Einat Amir


Einat Amir

  • Spring 2014
  • Visiting from Tel Aviv/New York

Einat Amir was born in Jerusalem, 1979 and currently lives between New York and Tel Aviv. She creates performances and video works that explore contemporary social and political issues as well as power relations among individuals, both in life as well as within the exhibition space. Through work that often invites viewers to move beyond being spectators to become participants, Amir sets reality against fiction. Her works encourage viewers to take the responsibility of establishing their own limits by creating choices for them to be confronted with, resulting in sometimes powerful transformations for participants.

Amir’s work has been shown internationally, including at: PS1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, PERFORMA09, New York, Palais De Tokyo, Paris, The Kitchen, New York, Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Winzavod Art Center, Moscow, Bergen Kunsthall, Dallas Contemporary Art Center; in Israel at Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Haifa Museum of Art, Bat Yam Museum of Art, Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv, Lilith Performance Studio Malmö, Städtische Galerie Bremen, and Digital Art Center Hulon, among other venues.